TriPart (FloraBloom) 500ml
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Flora series is a part of fertilizers designed for hydroponic systems and any type of culture, even soil. Creator of these formulations is Dr. Cal Herrmann, responsible chemist of NASA, in collaboration with scientists at the University of California Davis.
Generally, Flora is a continuously updated patent based on scientific progress, resulting in a useable, quality product, ready to fully support the basic fertilization of a crop at each stage of development, with some simple variations regarding dosage.
FloraBloom is a liquid solution for basic nutrition. It is used in combination with the flora micro and flora gro as basic fertilization for all stages of cultivation.
The flora bloom affects the formation of roots on a size and health level. For flowering stage it provides the necessary concentrations of ingredients in order to get out of plants the maximum yielding results. Particularly in hydroponics, this piece of sequence enhances plant structure due to the content of silicon in the form of silicic acid.
Content NPK: 0-5-7 and trace sulfur and magnesium.Packaging: 1lt, 5lt, 10lt
The application is based on the table shown on the packaging