How to to be burned successfully !!! Grow chilli peppers now!

How to to be burned successfully !!! Grow chilli peppers now!

At first they need time!

It would be good to start growing your plants indoors for a few weeks (8-12 weeks) before moving them outdoors. Keep the soil and young plants constantly moist, without overdoing it with water. Keep them warm (26-30 ℃ is ideal) and in a sunny place. When it is not cold you can plant the plants in your garden or in a selected place. Choose a sunny location, as chili peppers LOVE the sun. Mix with organic fertilizer to make the soil fertile and moist.

Give them space!

Place the chili pepper plants at a distance of 40 to 90 cm and about 60 to 90 cm between the rows. The plants will eventually grow to a height of almost 1 meter. Water! Keep the soil constantly moist but not wet. Chili peppers love water as much as they love the sun, but you do not want to flood the plants or run the risk of rot. Water every second or every third day. Include a good fertilizer. Keep your garden well weeded.You do not want nasty weeds to steal water from your chili peppers.

Very good soil & substrate!

Choose a good quality soil or substrate for growing your pepper that allows for good drainage. Add fertilizer or manure before planting if you’d like.


As with growing chili peppers in general, keep the soil moist but do not overwater them. For pepper plants in pots or containers, do not let the soil dry out completely. When peppers start to grow, cut back on your watering schedule a bit, but again, do not let the soil dry out.

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