Mashroom cultivation guide with vaccinated dowels
09/10/2020| Posted in Cultivations, Mushrooms| 1029
Mashroom cultivation guide with vaccinated dowels
Cultivating Instructions with substrate Pleurotus
09/10/2020| Posted in Cultivations, Mushrooms| 1103
Cultivating Instructions with substrate Pleurotus
Cultivating Instructions with substrate Lentinula (Shiitake)
09/10/2020| Posted in Cultivations, Mushrooms| 688
Cultivating Instructions with substrate Lentinula (Shiitake)
Mushroom cultivation methods
09/10/2020| Posted in Cultivations, Mushrooms| 2371
The most common ways of professional and amateur cultivation of mushrooms are the cultivation in bags and the cultivation in tree trunks.
Nutritional and medicinal value of mushrooms
09/10/2020| Posted in Cultivations, Mushrooms| 649
Mushrooms have a special nutritional value as they contain a large percentage of water, a lot of fiber, low fat, low sugar, protein, minerals and trace elements, vitamins and enzymes. In addition, dozens of species of mushrooms are attributed healing properties.
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